Spring 2024 Course Schedule
62-141 Black and White Photography I
Section A MW 8:00am-10:50am Karon Antonelli ( strange-land.us )
Section B MW 2:00pm-4:50pm Sean Carroll ( seancarrollphotographs.com)
Section C MW 7:00pm-9:50pm Sean Carroll ( seancarrollphotographs.com)
This course will teach you the basic craft of photography from exposure of the negative through darkroom developing and printing to print finishing and presentation. Content includes student presentations, class discussions, shooting assignments, darkroom sessions and class critiques. We will concentrate not only on the technical aspects of photography, but also the aesthetics of seeing with a camera. The course concentrates on photography as a fine art---what is unique to it and the concerns that are shared with other visual arts, such as composition, tonal values, etc. and aims to equip students with an understanding of the formal issues and the expressive potentials of the medium.
Class meets in MM B10.
62-241 Black and White Photography II
TR 2:00-pm-4:50pm Jamie Gruzska ( jamiegruzska.net)
This course allows you to gain experience with medium and large format film cameras while emphasizing aesthetic development and personal artistic growth. As an advanced student, you have access to an unusual assortment of panoramic and pinhole cameras that will change the way you make photographs, revealing unknown perspectives. Additional topics include digital process though negative scanning and inkjet printing, advanced monotone printing methods, and a focus on exhibition and folio presentation. Cameras will be supplied for this course.
Class meets in MM B10.
62-142 Digital Photography I
Section A TR 8:00am-10:50am Ross Mantle ( rossmantle.com )
Section B TR 2:00pm-4:50pm Aaron Blum ( aaronblumphoto.com )
This course explores digital photography and digital printing methods. By semester's end students will have knowledge of contemporary trends in photography, construction (and deconstruction) of photographic meaning, aesthetic choices, and the use of color. Students will learn how digital cameras work, proper digital workflow, RAW file handling, color management and Adobe Photoshop. Through the combination of the practical and theoretical, students will better define their individual voices as photographers.
Class meets in MM B14.
62-276 Photography and the Ephemeral
F 8:00am-10:50am and 2:00pm-4:50pm Bryan Martello ( bryanmartello.com )
Photography and the Ephemeral is an interdisciplinary photography course designed for students of various disciplines interested in exploring the relationship between images and the ephemeral: things that last only a short moment in time. Throughout the semester students will explore different themes and ways to approach ephemeral imagery such as; still lifes, installations, performances for the camera, and the short-lived nature of images both physical and digital. Participants explore these themes through weekly presentations, discussions, assignments, and critiques.
Class meets in MM B14.
62-375 Large Format Photography: The Antiquarian Avant-Garde
TR 8:00am-10:50am Aaron Blum ( aaronblumphoto.com )
This course will explore alternative photographic techniques and concepts in an effort to extend the boundaries of the photographic image. Through the course we will explore contemporary digital imaging techniques and apply them to turn-of-the-last-century hand applied emulsions and use large format film cameras to create contemporary tintypes. Subjects covered are digital imaging, digital negative printing and workflow, Platinum, Van Dyke, Cyanotype, and Pigment over Platinum printing, while exploring alternative uses of polaroid photography, and concepts and theory of the still image. As we move through the course, we will also study the history of photography and many ways to create an image that are not standard in today's imaging practices. A diverse range of contemporary photographic work will be presented to increase students' visual awareness and understanding of the possibilities inherent in the medium. Through work/review sessions, students will be encouraged to evaluate their own ideas and judgments in pursuit of a well-communicated image.
Class meets in MM B14.
62-474 Photobook
MW 2:00pm-4:50pm Kim Beck ( idealcities.com )
This advanced print media course is a screen-printing intensive that moves print out of editioned works on paper. Students will utilize the multiple to create immersive wall installations, participatory social sculpture, objects that act as interventions, and hand-printed yardage that can be used in soft sculpture and/or wearable forms. Students will challenge their screen-printing techniques and the scale and reach of their printed matter. Projects will concern the role of ornamental design within socio-political-cultural frameworks and the role of "hand-made" within exchange and gift economies. Projects will problematize artworks in relationship to the human body: as wearer, as laborer, and as consumer.
Class meets in CFA 310.
62-398 Interdisciplinary Independent Study: Topics in Photography
This course is a tutorial studio in which a student proposes a self-generated project and works one-on-one with a photography instructor of their choice to complete it. Prior to enrolling, the student must complete an Independent Study Proposal form. Students can choose this course as 5 or 10 units, in consultation with the CFA Photography Administrator. Prerequisite: Junior/Senior status and by instructor permission.