Brandon Smith, Architecture '21

Mike Longo, Architecture '21

Tyng Peck, Architecture '21

James Wang, Statistics '21

Rosemary Haynes, Social and Political History '21

Work in Progress

Images made from 2016-2020

The summer we listened to no dogs in space. A medium of words spoken, to invite attention to the history of another media, a media which lives somewhere between a basement show and the physical cover of a rolling stone.

Going through these images in the summer of no dogs in space, my ability to relate to, and to sequence this work felt somewhat like the hypocrisy of a podcast about some sensory experience. A podcast with a title that felt about as relevant as agreeing the privacy policy of

The conversations of the summer of no dogs in space, led me to believe that any image maker may be experiencing the same destitute fate. An imagined headline reads, “All Images made before March of 2020 determined to be about something that is now over.” But the headline won’t admit: The simulacra has officially closed us in to Plato’s cave.